korean egg tempera, permanent marker, and paint pen on bristol board; 19” x 24”

korean egg tempera, permanent marker, and paint pen on bristol board; 19” x 24”
korean egg tempera and paint pen on bristol board; 19” x 24”
korean egg tempera, permanent marker, paint pen, colored pencil, and india ink on bristol board
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korean egg tempera on bristol board

korean egg tempera, watercolor, and permanent marker on bristol board

korean egg tempera and permanent marker on bristol board

korean egg tempera, permanent marker, and gel ink on bristol board

korean egg tempera on bristol board

oil on canvas

oil on canvas

korean egg tempera and permanent marker on cold press watercolor paper

korean egg tempera and permanent marker on cold press watercolor paper

korean egg tempera and permanent marker on cold press watercolor paper and canvas

korean egg tempera and permanent marker on canvas

korean egg tempera on bristol board

korean egg tempera, watercolor, permanent marker, and glitter hairspray on cold press watercolor paper

watercolor on cold press watercolor paper

watercolor on cold press watercolor paper

watercolor on cold press watercolor paper

korean egg tempera and ink on bristol board

korean egg tempera and ink on bristol board

korean egg tempera on bristol board
awarded a scholastic silver key in painting

korean egg tempera on bristol board

watercolor on cold press watercolor paper

watercolor on cold press watercolor paper

watercolor on cold press watercolor paper

watercolor on cold press watercolor paper

watercolor on cold press watercolor paper

watercolor on cold press watercolor paper

watercolor on cold press watercolor paper

watercolor on cold press watercolor paper

acrylic on canvas panel

acrylic on canvas panel

watercolor on cold press watercolor paper

korean egg tempera, permanent marker, and paint pen on bristol board; 19” x 24”
korean egg tempera, permanent marker, and paint pen on bristol board; 19” x 24”
korean egg tempera and paint pen on bristol board; 19” x 24”
korean egg tempera, permanent marker, paint pen, colored pencil, and india ink on bristol board
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korean egg tempera on bristol board
korean egg tempera, watercolor, and permanent marker on bristol board
korean egg tempera and permanent marker on bristol board
korean egg tempera, permanent marker, and gel ink on bristol board
korean egg tempera on bristol board
oil on canvas
oil on canvas
korean egg tempera and permanent marker on cold press watercolor paper
korean egg tempera and permanent marker on cold press watercolor paper
korean egg tempera and permanent marker on cold press watercolor paper and canvas
korean egg tempera and permanent marker on canvas
korean egg tempera on bristol board
korean egg tempera, watercolor, permanent marker, and glitter hairspray on cold press watercolor paper
watercolor on cold press watercolor paper
watercolor on cold press watercolor paper
watercolor on cold press watercolor paper
korean egg tempera and ink on bristol board
korean egg tempera and ink on bristol board
korean egg tempera on bristol board
awarded a scholastic silver key in painting
korean egg tempera on bristol board
watercolor on cold press watercolor paper
watercolor on cold press watercolor paper
watercolor on cold press watercolor paper
watercolor on cold press watercolor paper
watercolor on cold press watercolor paper
watercolor on cold press watercolor paper
watercolor on cold press watercolor paper
watercolor on cold press watercolor paper
acrylic on canvas panel
acrylic on canvas panel
watercolor on cold press watercolor paper