real estate business

my first job out of college was as an associate editor and project manager (read: wearer of many hats) of a company called mitchell petersen, which was essentially a one-woman show run by nancy petersen—still one of my favorite bosses of all time. together, we wrote, edited, and did the layout for real estate business, a trade publication for certified real estate brokerage managers (CRBs).


october/november 2004

i wrote the cover story of this issue and also folded the origami globe on the cover. nancy was super supportive of my art (she let me set up a painting studio upstairs!) and used it in the magazine frequently.


april/may 2005

inspired by american gothic, i drew the cover with pen and marker and wrote the accompanying article about a new class of agents entering the workforce—my peers.


june/july 2005

i illustrated this article using watercolors and pen. this job really was a dream job, with all the hours nancy let me to draw or paint for hours while also gaining journalism and publishing experience.